Being the Best Version – Leadership Development Programme

Module 1 – Being the Best Version of Yourself

  • Insights Discovery – an introduction to self awareness, preferences and perceptions
  • Recognising the impact of different thinking patterns, cognitive diversity and dominance dynamics using Matthew Syed’s work in Rebel Ideas
  • Development of Emotional Intelligence
  • Identifying your leadership purpose and motivations.

Module 1 – Being the Best Version of Yourself

  • Insights Discovery – an introduction to self awareness, preferences and perceptions
  • Recognising the impact of different thinking patterns, cognitive diversity and dominance dynamics using Matthew Syed’s work in Rebel Ideas
  • Development of Emotional Intelligence
  • Identifying your leadership purpose and motivations.

Module 2 – Being the Best Version of your Leadership Self

  • Leading authentically through your purpose and values
  • Modelling personal effectiveness through effective planning, prioritisation and delegation
  • Recognising the differences between transactional and transformational leadership behaviours – both good and bad
  • Identification of leadership preferences defined by Insights Discovery
  • Utilisation of ‘Infinite Leadership’ by Simon Sinek and Mark McGregor ‘most organisations are over managed and under led’.

Module 3 – Enabling your Team to be the Best Version of Itself

  • Identifying the importance of leading a team with a strong purpose, acknowledging the learning from Ben Hunt-Davis and ‘Will it make the boat go faster?’
  • Developing trust and safety in teams – utilising Simon Sinek’s ‘Leaders Eat Last’ and Patrick Lencioni’s ‘Five Dysfunctions of a Team’
  • Defining team development plans using Insights’ Team Effectiveness model
  • Recognising the importance of having a Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck) and exploring creative thinking in teams benefiting from the cognitive diversity of team members.

Module 3 – Enabling your Team to be the Best Version of Itself

  • Identifying the importance of leading a team with a strong purpose, acknowledging the learning from Ben Hunt-Davis and ‘Will it make the boat go faster?’
  • Developing trust and safety in teams – utilising Simon Sinek’s ‘Leaders Eat Last’ and Patrick Lencioni’s ‘Five Dysfunctions of a Team’
  • Defining team development plans using Insights’ Team Effectiveness model
  • Recognising the importance of having a Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck) and exploring creative thinking in teams benefiting from the cognitive diversity of team members.

Module 4 – Enabling Others to be the Best Version of Themselves

  • Utilising coaching techniques, positive reframing, the ‘Green Platform’ and advanced language patterns
  • Defining the thinking behind Performance Enablement for everyone – and using different techniques for different situations
  • Applying the principles and learning from Susan Scott’s ‘Fierce Conversations’
  • Identifying the language used by those on the ‘Red Platform’ and in the ‘drama triangle’ and strategies used to stay out of these places
  • Recognising how our ‘bad day’ behaviours can get in the way of the coaching process.

Module 5 – Confidence Building

  • Refreshing learning from the programme and sharing the application of that learning
  • Showing how ‘not’ to undertake performance enablement with a demonstration by actors, followed by feedback and a re-run of a sketch
  • Utilising pre-prepared ‘real’ case studies and breaking into 3 small groups, using the two actors and myself for these situations to be practiced to improve confidence
  • Using Mark McGregor’s MCCLS (Managing, Coaching, Clienting, Leading, Selling) model to reflect and celebrate the learning journey during the programme and identify ongoing development areas.

Module 5 – Confidence Building

  • Refreshing learning from the programme and sharing the application of that learning
  • Showing how ‘not’ to undertake performance enablement with a demonstration by actors, followed by feedback and a re-run of a sketch
  • Utilising pre-prepared ‘real’ case studies and breaking into 3 small groups, using the two actors and myself for these situations to be practiced to improve confidence
  • Using Mark McGregor’s MCCLS (Managing, Coaching, Clienting, Leading, Selling) model to reflect and celebrate the learning journey during the programme and identify ongoing development areas.

All of these modules can be adapted and tailored to work as stand-alone modules or they can be combined into bespoke courses or programmes to suit your individual requirements.

I am always open to have discussions on your current challenges –

that 20 minute conversation can often shine the light on your next steps, even if initially you don’t know what those are!
Please do get in touch. | 07876 563787