For Example

A Review of Books That I Have Read And Recommend

Drive by Daniel Pink Book Review

In the sixth edition of my book blog, we’re dipping into one of my most referenced books ‘Drive – The surprising truth about what motivates us’ by Daniel H Pink.  The reason why it is mentioned so much on leadership programmes, is that there are still some managers, who believe that micro-managing, issuing...

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Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

Stolen Focus by Johann Hari Why can’t we pay attention…?  Johann poses a fascinating insight into how our modern lives are being hijacked by society and technology and throughout the book, Johann explores the range of things which are getting in our way and concludes that it is both the responsibility of big...

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Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed

How many books really inspire you, so much so you listen to it twice, you text yourself to remember the great bits, you buy the book and then highlight all those great bits, you then mention it to loads of people and then it inspires new content for training courses… That is what happened with Matthew Syed’s...

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What is High Performance?

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” (Theodore Roosevelt) This is the premise of the great book, High Performance, by Jake Humphrey and Damian Hughes.  Jake is a TV presenter – most well known for his work on BT Sport and previously on the BBC covering Formula 1.  Damian is an expert on...

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Surrounded by Narcissists

Are you surrounded by narcissists? As I write this blog, my heart is racing, ticking over at a rate I lived with on a daily basis, a level of anxiety and I didn’t really understand where it came from.  I look back now with absolute clarity – I know now my gut instinct and intuition was telling me something was...

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For Example Blog: Growth Mindset

My ‘For Example’ blogs aim to reflect on my learning from my listening and share that learning to enable me to cement it in my mind and become part of a new set of behaviours for my personal leadership. In this one, we will be exploring growth mindest and how to change from a fixed mindset.  In turn, I hope it...

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